I am writing to say thanks, again, for guiding our wonderful tour of what is, indeed, magical India! Your ever cheerful and upbeat presence, along with your vast knowledge of the subjects and objects of our tour, was absolutely key. It is such a cliche to say but you certainly made it a trip of a lifetime for us; we will treasure the memories forever. (And it may take forever to get through all the pictures, too!) I will be spending a lot of time this winter looking up more information on the sites you showed us, and adding to the excellent information you already provided.
Lo Chen, I hope I have spelled his name correctly, had the dubious pleasure of guiding us in Darjeeling before we had really become accustomed to your universe. Please send him my thanks as well; he was very patient with us newbies! When I close my eyes I can still evoke the surreal experience of being driven along those roads, switchbacking up and down mountainsides and watching in amazement as people went about their daily business on, and next to, the nearly sheer drops between buildings. Fortunately, I can also still evoke the entrancingly delicate, flowery scent of fresh tea leaves; having a nice cup of tea in real time whilst recalling that scent is wonderfully soothing after reliving the roller-coaster, stop-start-dodge ride over the Darjeeling roads!
Mr. Singh, our excellently competent bus driver, will live long in Spitzke legends for his affable sociability and superb driving skills. I did not write down the name of our Darjeeling driver but he, too, (along with his comrades) deserves praise. You could not pay me any amount of money to drive in India, certainly not a big bus, and ESPECIALLY not anything on those Darjeeling roads!
Pam Gale Letbridge, Canada