
Read what our guests have to say about their experiences with us. Have something to say? Click here to submit a testimonial.

First of all a VERY BIG THANK YOU for the wonderful and well-organized trip you arranged for us in India. The trip was well planned and we really got the feel of the place as we toured driving from Delhi to Bhuj. Satbir Singh, our driver was very cautious and courteous. He was excellent in his skills and kept us informed at all times as well as responded well to our needs. The car was in good shape and comfortable for the long trip. The hotels picked were outstanding. We enjoyed the Royal Plaza in Delhi and all of the other hotels selected on our tour. I would like to return to India again at the end of this year or early next year.I would strongly recommend you and your company to other friends and family. I am planning to call you again to organize my next trip to India or any other places.
First of all, we want to thank Nazir for planning this wonderful trip. We really appreciated the effort he made in meeting us on our first day of our arrival to Delhi, which I did not expect it at all. He came to our hotel and greeted us and even gave us a welcome dinner that night. When we were at the Kashmir airport, our guide gave me his cell phone, saying that someone wanted to talk to me. To my surprise, it was Nazir. My worried husband could not contact us while we were in Kashmir (for there is no internet access), but Nazir was able to locate us. He asked us how we were in order to report back to my husband. We really appreciate his hard work. In this trip, the best thing that happened to us was that we had a kind, responsible driver, Harpal. He met us in Delhi (after Kashmir) and drove us to Jaipur and Agra. He was such a careful driver, even though most drivers in India drive very recklessly. He was always patient and drove in a courteous manner. He was punctual when picking us up every time, and he took us to good restaurants. On our last day, arriving from Kathmandu to Delhi, he came back to be our guide, even though he had already gone back home (which was one hour away from Delhi!) He helped us a lot and we became good friends. Harpal is a highly recommended driver and guide. He deserves a raise and good appraisal. We had five different hotels on this trip; the best was Trident in Jaipur. Besides great breakfast, the staff was very friendly, helpful, and sincere. One of Trident’s policies is no tipping for all staff. It was such a relief because I did not need to carry small notes for tipping everywhere. Trident also had great security, swimming pool, good rate exchanges, and free internet in the business centre. Trident surpassed The Park in Delhi, Jaypee in Agra, and Ramada in Varanasi. We recommend that the best hotel should put to the last so that we won’t be comparing with the best. In this trip, I learned a lot. I felt sorry for the people in India in many situations – corruption, poverty, sanitation, and children and women status. I do think India needs another revolution in order to move forward again. To Nazir, I hope someone like you, young and has a good education, can form a team to help the people in India improve the living conditions in order for them to have a better world tomorrow.
Got home Wednesday night and recovering from the most incredible journey! Thank you so much for arranging everything so well! Yuvi is a great guide and companion. We had so much to talk about and had so many laughs together. He is a treasure in your organization and deserves to go far. The flight to Kashmir was his first time off the ground and he handled everything so well. From start to finish he was a wonderful companion and I am so glad to have had the same escort all the way. We got to know each other and to kid each other and I think I learned far more about India than I could get from books! Perhaps he learned a bit about Canadians too as he is in charge of groups after me. I must thank you too for the drivers. Kuljeet Singh is such a beautiful person. We three had wonderful experiences in Kashmir together. And what a skilful driver he is. I think of him as the terror of Srinigar! Everything just gets out of Kool's way! He was a better guide in the mountains than Asti was guide in Delhi! On the way to the airport for Kashmir, Kool answered questions I had for Asti who sort of didn't answer when he didn't know. Kool kept his mouth shut as driver in Delhi, but he is a great guide and very personable. Baluinder Singh is a great driver and very knowledgeable too. He is a great person to get to know and we had lovely chats with Yuvi of course on the drives from Delhi to Jaipur and then on to Agra. Balu surely knows great restaurants. I think it was K.R. Joshi who got me to give both a radio interview one night and a TV interview the next on the houseboat in Srinigar. So the Canadian writer, female, aged 92, gave K.R. a boost in his job. I wanted to get a white T shirt with Kashmir in big blue letters across the front but we couldn't stop on the way to the airport as there was a demonstration going on. If K.R. would like to thank me for those interviews, maybe he could send me a T-shirt size XL, white with KASHMIR in blue letters across the front! It's good advertising for him! In Gulmarg I saw the Tshirts in a window but it was raining in BUCKETS, so nobody stopped walking fast! I have emailed my son and daughter-in-law in England to advise them that not to get in touch with you for a mind exploding experience is to deny themselves a gift thatgoes far beyond money. I hope you hear from them. Shall I be recommending in my writing and in my lectures that to see India with Incredible India is the fabulous best cared for way to do it? You can be sure that I will. Thank you again for looking after all my doubts and questions. As for the train ride! Getting into a discussion of a number of things with an English professor, male, Muslim, a professor of psychiatry, female, Hindu, Yuri, a Brahmin and me while rattling along at high speed at night will always be one of my most wonderful travel memories of my life of many many travel memories!
I am writing on behalf of Sum Lee group from Vancouver and for ourselves, in regard to our trip to India. We all enjoyed the trip very much., enjoyed the tour to Delhi, the Temples, the elephant ride to the Amber Fort, Taj Mahal,, Varanasi, the Bathing Ghats, and the cremation sites, sunrise on the river bank, horse ride up to the Glaciers, all very exciting and interesting. Joshi your representative was excellent, he has done a good job looking after us well. Thanks again very much for arranging this wonderful tour for us. A tour full of good memories. We are glad that we decided not to take the train, after talking to some others. We will certainly use you again.
We just wanted to thank you for putting together such an amazing trip for us. The drivers, helpers, tour guides and accommodations were all first class & the itinerary was amazing. We really appreciated your guidance through our booking & your colleagues in India as well. Thanks again! I will definitely be passing along your contact info to a # of people. Cheers.
We had a fantastic time on your organized tour over the 12 nights and 13 days spent in India. Your contact in New Delhi Mr. K.R.Joshi was very helpful. He met us at the Park Hotel the 1st day we went there. He gave us all the Hotel Vouchers, Travel Car arrangements, Rail sleeper car Tickets and the internal Flight Travel Vouchers. He stayed in touch with us all the time and contacted us through the various drivers in all the Cities. He also met us on the eve of our departure. Also we have to mention your contact in Srinagar, Kashmir, Mr. Rafeek. He booked us in a super luxury Houseboat. He brought us new towels and soap from his own home as the ones supplied by the Boathouse were not too good. The boat house-keeper was excellent. He served the meals personally and waited on us till we finished the meal. The meals supplied by him were really good. He made special Kashmir Biriyani and mutton curry for us for the last dinner. We also have to mention about your driver Mr. Hilal in Srinagar who brought us to the local airport from the boat-house. He came with us right through to airport security with our luggage and booked us at the check-in desk and took us to the Airport gate for our flight. He was very helpful as not many clerks at this airport spoke English and the security was very strict. All your drivers came on time to pick us for the Tours. They were very courteous and very careful. Your travel guides were very knowledgeable and good. Please mention the baggage allowance in writing along with your e-tickets. We had difficulty at Varnasi Airport with the check-in clerk. She said we both can take only two pieces with a combined weight of 40 kg. She delayed us over 25 minutes at the check-in and we had remove some clothes from our bags into our hand luggage. This is the only snag we had in India. We would gladly recommend your services and travel bookings to other Canadians who would like to see a good part of India. Also we would like to advise people never to travel on your own to a country like India.
I just want to drop you a line to commend you on our first class recent tour of India. Everything was first rate. I could not complain about a single thing in terms of our accommodations, guides, transportation and itinerary. I would recommend your company as 'the' way to see India, particularly for women or first time visitors. You have great people working for you in India. I would particularly like to acknowledge Youvee, our travelling companion and Naresh and Das, our van drivers. They spent 5 days with us. Together the three of them catered to our every wish and went out of their way to insure our safety and well being. Youvee handled arrangements such that we never had to wait. He accompanied us on our journeys, deflecting hawkers with innovation and compassion for both us and them. He maintained a pleasant attitude and fit in well with our group. We enjoyed him immensely and really appreciated having him with us. We were sad to leave him. He will make an excellent guide. Das was the driver's assistant. Das was always visible when we exited a venue, pointing the way to our van. You couldn't miss his big smile and warm eyes. For some excursions, such as the sunset walk through Pushkar, Das accompanied the group providing and extra male presence and an extra set of eyes. I for one did not show enough fear of the oxen and Das was there to ensure I gave them ...... and their droppings ........ a wide birth. When we went to the train station in Jaipur, we were pleased to see Das on the train platform as we waited for our train to enter the station. He was there once again to provide an extra buffer with Youvee, as we attracted a lot of attention from other travellers. He truly went above and beyond the call of duty. Naresh, our driver, was amazing. From the moment we sat in his van we knew we were in the hands of a master. Coming from a small town of 12, 000 people, where people all drive in the same direction on the same side of the highway, we did find the traffic patterns of India beyond our understanding, but never once were we fearful. Naresh drove with skill and patience. When he delivered us to a sight, it was as close to the entrance as was physically possible. When we came out of a venue, our van was parked in a choice location. At one particular venue the hawkers were so intense that a long walk may have been disturbing, but because the van was right there, we all tumbled into the van and were able to laugh at our experience with the hawkers rather than be disturbed by it. We were sad to leave Naresh and Das in Jaipur, but it was a very pleasant surprise to find Naresh's smiling face waiting for us at the airport upon our return to Dahli. He is a special driver. Shamir showed us every major sight in Delhi that we could fit into 2 days. He left no monument unturned. Mr. Singh in Oudiapur is a fountain of knowledge and a born teacher. He is definitely a keeper. And Johnnie in Varannassi is a mover and a shaker. He bargains hard on behalf of his clients, shows great consideration for their needs, and is very open, gregarious and entertaining as a guide. I truly enjoyed Johnnie. And Joshi is a true professional. All of the guides and drivers know Joshi and aim to please him. It is obvious that he does a great job of overseeing the players, checking in with them frequently, and checking in with the clients to double check that everything is going smoothly. Everyone works very hard, round the clock, to insure your clients have a very positive experience while in their care. Again, if any of my friends or acquaintances are planning a trip to India, I will definitely recommend your services. Thank you so much for a wonderful adventure.
Thank you very much the card and the phone message. I have actually been travelling almost non-stop since getting back from India, and this is the first opportunity I have had to respond with about my trip to India. First of all, it was the trip of a lifetime and I would definitely recommend it to friends. The Kashmiri leg in particular was a highlight. The people and scenery and ambiance were wonderful. Like everything, there is always some room for improvement, and I offer these thoughts to you as you strive to accommodate the needs and wishes of your future clients.June and I agreed that this trip was about 88% successful, but now that I am back and looking at my pictures and reading my diary, I would peg it closer to 95%. I felt that ExploreIndia had our best interests at heart. I am not a fussy or nervous traveller, but when travelling in such a colourful, chaotic and crowded country, I needed to feel safe and comfortable, and I did. Thank you to Mr Joshi for looking after my misplaced plane tickets and insurance policy. He was a very attentive agent at all times. An item that got left behind in our last hotel was the colour copy of the day-to-day itinerary, with the photos at the top of each page. I would love to have another copy as a souvenir if possible, via physical mail. Thank you so much for making this trip possible for me and also for providing fodder for my ongoing writing career.
At last I sending you some feedback re our trip. As I said on the phone we were very pleased with experience. We were very impressed with our 2 drivers, Balvinder and Kool, as well as the 3 men at the houseboats. all were very pleasant, helpful and knowledgeable. My personal feeling is that 1 day long drive in kashmir was enough as the roads do not make for a relaxing experience, however we really enjoyed the day trip to Sonamarg. The vegetable market was wonderful. The guide we had in Varanasi was good with the information he gave us, however, The stop at the Bird Sanctuary was really nice and I wish we had been able to have more time there - I know it was an added stop at our request but I think it was very worthwhile to include it in the tour. All the hotels were very good, the Jaipur Marriott was outstanding. Would certainly recommend your company to others.
I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for doing such a great professional job in arranging and co-ordinating Margaret Davidson’s recent trip to India. As a seasoned traveller and former hotel executive, I am fully aware of all the logistics and details that are essential in making ones travels as rewarding as possible. You have excelled in so many ways, from the initial contact with you, to her safe return home a couple of weeks ago. Her trip was amazing in so many memorable ways thanks in large part to the seamless travel plans that you put into place. Please pass this note on to any that are considering your travel services, as we highly recommend you for your impeccable follow-up and diligence in all that you have done for us. Our heartfelt thanks to you again for a job well done!
I apologise for taking so long to get back to you after our trip to India. I want to thank you very much for having put such a wonderful trip together for Janine and me. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole adventure, the time in Kashmir was magical as were the visits to Jaipur and Agra. I can't think of any part of it that in retrospect we would have done differently.
In November 2012 we took a four week tour to India which was organized by Nazir Karnai Explore India It was indeed the best tour we have ever had. The whole tour starting from arrival at Delhi airport felt like we were in safe hands. Our driver, car, accommodation in different cities and tour guides were all arranged with detail and consideration of our safety and comfort. Every moment was worth while and no time wasted or surprises on extra expenses. We received royal treatment everywhere we went. Our special thanks to Nazir and his staff in Delhi who were available to answer any questions or concerns. We truly recommend Explore India in Vancouver for their excellent service and hospitality. Thank you Nazir and Staff